關於我們About us

Exhale Fans 在 2012 年由 美國設計師Richard Halsall 創立。他當時想出了一個革命性的新思維,就是重塑標準吊扇!  Exhale Fans 因此而誕生並成功在Indiegogo 籌集了第一筆資金。 Exhale Fans的總部設在美國克羅伊登現時己擴展了全球業務。Exhale Fans 已授權 Golden Leaders International (Holdings) Limited 作為香港區之獨家代理及工程公司。


The Exhale fan, was developed in 2012 by American designers: Richard Halsall, he worked and thought differently by reinventting the normal ceiling fans. He made the bladless ceiling fan! Exhale Fans got the first crowd-funding from Indiegogo. With headquater in Corydon, Indiana, Exhale Fans now has business all over the world.

Exhale Fans has authorized Golden Leaders International (Holdings) Limited as the sole distributor and engineering company in Hong Kong.